'Suited to the time' 


'Suited to the time' 
Established in Stroud, United Kingdom (2023) by its founder Michael, Anukala Yoga Community shares relevant Yogic practices & Vedantic philosophy with modern practitioners. 
We are a collective of like-minded individuals that recognise the importance & benefit of Yoga for the well-being & upliftment of people & society.  
In Yoga’s ability to alleviate much of the suffering from a person’s life & reveal their innate nature, it allows for them to operate within the world with greater responsibility, simplicity & kindness, benefiting all. 



Anukala (अनुकाल) is a Sanskrit word & translated means - 
'Opportune, timely, adapted &/or suited to the time.' 
For Anukala Yoga Community looks to revive those forgotten truths of Yoga for today's age. Albeit, nowadays, Yoga’s inherent benefits & underpinning tenets are often misapprehended or ignored. 
AYC promotes an integral approach towards Yoga & its varied practices. Focussing on more than just the well-known postures & breathwork. This allows practitioners to learn, develop & move towards spirituality in accordance with their day-to-day responsibilities.  
Offering in-person classes & online videos & articles to help guide you along your own individual path. 

Book a Class Today 

Experience the many benefits of Yoga. 
Please book your space in one of our classes in Stroud via the form below. 
(£10 per class, paid either in class or online by prior arrangement) 
Alternatively, please get in touch to find out more. 
Michael has always had held an interest in Yoga, Eastern philosophy & the occult. Leaving a 19-year career in high-end hospitality to study & practice yogasanas, pranayam & meditation techniques under the instruction of Swami Govindanand Saraswati of Sivananda Yoga Peetham & becoming certified to teach. 
Moreover, it was during the 18-months residing at the ashram of his Guru, Swami Premananda Saraswati Maharaj, in the Indian Himalayas, that Michael received the knowledge & stamp required to share the teachings of Yoga & Vedanta. 
Practices & spiritual precepts, derived through the ancient tradition of Guru Parampara, that combined with his own personal experience, Michael imparts into Anukala Yoga Community. Providing practitioners the tools & knowledge needed to improve their health, well-being & develop lasting serenity throughout all of life’s circumstances. 

All-embracing, All-inclusive & Universal 

All-embracing, All-inclusive & Universal 

We provide training, support & guidance to all Yoga practitioners or anyone interested in the inner-workings of this body, mind & phenomenal existence to progress along the spiritual path, discern the precepts of Eastern philosophy with greater effect & improve their physical functioning & mental health. 
"Michael is an excellent teacher. His sessions are well structured & informative and he guides us through a range of asanas with clarity." 
- Polly 
"Michael lives what he teaches & it is a particularly wonderful experience to be able to do that with him." 
- Tony 
"The restless comet left wandering in the limitless sky & has become the Polestar to guide many a traveller. The wanderer's name is Michael, the poet." 
- Swami Premananda 
"Michael goes through the individual asanas very nicely, ensuring that we perform each one correctly & co-ordinated with the breath." 
- Carol 

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